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Story+Photos: Sprockids Fun Day
Words by Dustan Sept. Photos by Dustan Sept. Date: 2012-05-01
Sprockids changed my life. The kids’ mountain biking club got its wheels rolling some 22 years ago and has been growing ever since. I was first introduced to the idea of mountain biking through Sprockids way back in 1997. It was this after-school club that opened my mind to cycling as not only a hobby but also as a lifestyle. Not only did Sprockids get me onto the path of cycling but it nudged me in the direction of racing, coaching, teaching, education and eventually onwards to a career within the industry. Without the Sprockids program I would be an entirely different person than who I am today. The most amazing thing about my situation is that it is not at all unique. Stemming from the birthplace of Sprockids others have followed a similar path. The Sunshine Coast and the Sprockids program have together been a sanctuary for cycling and personal development. Looking back through my childhood friends and fellow Sprockids I see the Coastal Crew’s Dylan Dunkerton and Curtis Robinson, I see Katherine Short, Kris Snedden and the up-and-comer Holly Feniak. The raw talent that has come off the Sunshine Coast through the Sprockids program is like no other! It is Sprockids founder Doug Detwiller’s dedication that has molded such great people and athletes that now have their turn to make a difference. In celebration of the Sprockids program and Doug Detwiller, the Capilano University MBO program hosted an event called Sprockids Fun Day. Through Celebrating Doug’s success, 22 years of the program and 20 years since the first mountain bike park was opened this is how the event unfolded.
Thank you Doug for your impact on my childhood, education and professional career. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the sport of Mountain Biking. Without you and the Sprockids Program countless kids, teens and adults would be living very different lives today.
Doug's commitment to helping get kids on bikes has obviously had a big impact on the BC Coastal mountain bike world. Do you have any fond memories about Sprockids, the Sunshine Coast, or perhaps the programs where you started riding?
Words by Dustan Sept. Photos by Dustan Sept. Date: 2012-05-01
Founder Of Sprockids Presented With IMBA Canada Leadership Award
Check out the article on
Sprockids Mountain Bike Park Evolution 2008
Back in 1993 the construction of the Sprockids Mountain Biking Park began, and since its conception the park and the surrounding trails have continued to evolve to meet the needs of the current generation of young riders. One Sunday April 13th over 85 individuals came out to help create the next stage in the park's evolution. There were three generations represented by today's builders and as the day progress it was obvious to everyone that what was being create was something very special. Something to be shared with other communities, municipalities, towns, cities, the cycling industry, and government agencies.
Sprockids Mountain Bike Park Evolution 2008
Back in 1993 the construction of the Sprockids Mountain Biking Park began, and since its conception the park and the surrounding trails have continued to evolve to meet the needs of the current generation of young riders. One Sunday April 13th over 85 individuals came out to help create the next stage in the park's evolution. There were three generations represented by today's builders and as the day progress it was obvious to everyone that what was being create was something very special. Something to be shared with other communities, municipalities, towns, cities, the cycling industry, and government agencies.
In 2007, under the direction of Caroline Depatie, Capilano College's Mountain Biking Program Manager, the first accredited Mountain Biking Operations Program in North America began. One of the key components of the program was the designing and construction of trails and mountain bike parks. Last year the students built an amazing trail called Skools Out, incorporating many of the existing features found in the Sprockids Skills Park.
This year, again under the guidance and tutorage of Mark Schmitt, Director of IMBA Canada and Jay Hoots, Dirt Jump Builder Extraordinaire, the student took on the task of completely redesigning and building the Sprockids Park. This was a monumental task and today the cycling community of the Coast came out to help the students work on their designs. After a morning of building the participants put aside their racks and shovels and mounted their bikes. Some took to the trails to enjoy the newly buffed single track, while others tried out the skills park, and still others took to the air by way of the dirt jumps.
As the younger riders were learning the basics the older riders were strutting their stuff in the pump track and the dirt jumps. The Sprockids Park concept has always been to be a Teaching Park, offering a progression of challenges designed as to allow riders to learn, develop, and perfect their riding skills and techniques before moving on to the next level.
Sprockids in Canada
www.sprockids.comThe Sprockids Program in Canada will no longer be administered by the CCA. (Canadian Cycling Association) Sprockids and the CCA will continue to support and endorse each other's effort to grow youth cycling in here in Canada. However both parties felt that it was in the best interests of the program if Sprockids once again became its own entity. Thus giving it the freedom to grow, and the flexibility to meet the needs of different programs throughout Canada. This is a very exciting time for Sprockids and over the course of the year look for a number of announcements detailing changes and additions to the program.
For any inquires regarding Sprockids please contact Doug Detwiller.
Phone: (604) 886-0772
Sprockids Magical Mystery Tour
Over the course of two days, over 500 young riders from Grade 1 through 12 pitted their mountain biking skills against their peers in the annual Sprockids Youth Challenge and B.C. Provincial High School Mountain Bike Championships. For many of these young rippers this was their first mountain bike race, and from the smiles on their faces it definitely wont be their last! The beauty of mountain biking is that it is truly an All Inclusive sport where anyone can successfully participate and come away from the experience with something positive. As for the Magical Mystery Tour aspect of Sprockids, you just have to experience a day with kids to discover the magic they bring to the sport!
Sprockids Youth Challenge
Friday May 25, 2007This event began in the early 90s and has become an annual classic for young riders from Grades 1 to 7. The race provides elementary students the opportunity to experience mountain bike racing in a fun and festive atmosphere, where being part of the scene is what it is all about. For the more serious riders they have the opportunity to Go For It and test their riding skills and fitness level against their peers. The inexperienced riders, who just want to get their feet wet and find out what this whole racing scene is all about, can participate without feeling intimidated. Stepping out of ones comfort zone, pushing ones limits while making new friends and laughing until it hurts is why riders keep coming out to the Sprockids Youth Challenge year after year. The day may have revolved around mountain biking, but the feeling was more of a festive atmosphere than one of intense competition. For the top three riders in each category beautiful handmade plaques were awarded. These plaque were made by Bill Clarke and his woodworking students at Elphinstone Secondary. Everyone that participated was eligible for the many incredible draw prizes generously donated by the sponsors of the Sprockids Program. This years event saw something new added to the repertoire of activities. Dance on the Diamond took the crowd by storm. At one point in the day Bob Stanhope, our amazing MC, had close to 100 students and parents dancing to the music on the baseball diamond. From there Spot Dances emerged, with the crowd choosing their favourite by way of the loudest applause. It truly was a day of fun for everyone involved.
B.C. High School Mountain Bike Championships
Saturday May 26, 2007This was the second time in the past three years the Sunshine Coast has played host to the B.C. High School Mountain Bike Championships, and once again the community of Halfmoon Bay put on a phenomenal event. The province of B.C. covers a lot of territory, but this didnt dampen the spirits and enthusiasm of the participants, some who travelled over 10 hours to the race! In all, 58 schools were represented at these championships. For many of the racers, this event represented the pinnacle of their racing season. For others it was more of a social occasion, an opportunity to reunite with friends they had made at last years race. Once could focus on the high level of competition and intense rivalry that existed for some of the competitors, but it you looked around and really took in the atmosphere of the day you soon realised there was a lot more going on than just racing. Just like the elementary race that had happened the day before, this race was really about being part of a very unique scene, where the positive energy and camaraderie shared between human beings is really what mountain biking is all about.
This particular weekend is also traditionally when many of the school districts hold their Grade 12 Grad Banquets. This obviously makes it very difficult for some individuals to attend both functions. For three girls from Squamish they just had to be at both events and being the young Rock Stars that they are they came up with a plan. They came over with their team; as soon as they had completed their race, they had a float plane ready to fly them back to Squamish in time to have their hair and nails done. Then it was off to the banquet with time to spare! Pretty Cool!!!!! Over the course of the day there were many other unique and interesting incidents that occurred. As the last car pulled away and made its way to the ferry one could not help but smile, for you knew the positive memories generated. The event will undoubtedly remain with these participants for many years to come.
"Trail Unveil"
On Saturday April 21, 2007 riders of all aged converged on the Sprockids Mountain Bike Park for a true celebration of the mountain biking spirit. Organized by the students of Capilano College's Mountain Bike Operations certification course, the first of its kind in the world, the mini festival was a huge success. The day began with a trail building/maintenance session, followed by a BBQ, riding skills clinics for the younger riders, and finally a dirt jump jam for the older riders. The highlight of the day had to have been the opening and dedication of the new teaching trail, appropriately christened Skoolz Out. The Sprockids Park was originally designed to be a teaching facility where riders of all ages could come and practice the various skills needed to successfully and safely enjoy the challenges of the trails of the Sunshine Coast. The park was the first of its kind in North America and the new trail provides the next progression in the park's evolution. Mark Schmidt, executive director of the Canadian office of the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) provided the instruction and guidance in the design and building of the trail. The goal was to create the ultimate teaching trail. It's a really fun trail with a lot of unique features. The idea behind the trail is it's a progression, meaning there are a beginning, an intermediate and an advanced level, stated Mark. It's a fantastic trail and I'm really looking forward to seeing the community come out and ride and enjoy it.
Other Recent Events
Sprockids, The Two Wheeled Classroom Doug's grade seven class went on a three day biking trip to Whistler, B.C. Learning moves out of the classroom, into the "real" world.
Norco Team Visit with The Sprockids "Coastriders" Sprockids Youth Challenge 2006 Once again, Halfmoon Bay on the Sunshine Coast was the site for this annual event, where smiles, laughter, cheers, and hugs mixed with bikes and kids.
Norco Riding Clinic Recently, the fantasitc crew from Norco spent the day with eager youth from the Sunshine Coast, sharing their expertise and enthusiasm for the sport of mountain biking.
Kids, Family and the True Spirit of Mountain Biking. The kids participating in this year's "Rat Race" remind us, once again, of the true meaning of our sport.
Bike Day at West Sechelt Elementary Bikes and kids, its a combination thats sure to produce smiles, and healthier kids.
2005 XC/Freeride Camp for the Generations For many teenagers and parents, the 4th anual Sprockids XC/Freeride Camp for the Generations in Whistler B.C. is the highlight of their riding season. The concept behind the camp is to bring teenagers and their parents together for a weekend of mountain biking and other activities.
2005 Canadian Nationals A number of young riders whom had developed their skills through the Sprockids Program were invited to participate in the 2005 Canadian National Mountain Biking Championships.
Sprockids in the Classroom
As part of their curriculum, the students in Mr. Detwiller's grade 6/7 class, at Gibsons Elementary, were the first in Canada to participate in the new CCA Sprockids Program.
National Team High School Camp
Over the March 18th to 20th weekend, 50 high school riders from around the province travelled to Squamish B.C. to ride and learn from some of Canada's National team riders and coaches.
Karma in the Creek
Roberts Creek British Columbia was the setting for the fourth annual Rat Race. During the course of the event, the magic of mountain biking was evident as young riders mingled with some of the world's best pro cyclists.
Roland Green Interview
Two time world champion Roland Green shares his thoughts on Sprockids and the importance of youth development programs.
Sprockids Youth Challenge 2005
On Thursday, May 28th, close to 350 young riders, from grades three to seven, participated in the Sprockids Youth challenge mountain bike race.
B.C. Provincial Mountain Biking Championship
On Saturday, May 28th, 250 high school aged riders from around the province participated in the 8th annual Mountain Bike Championship.